I spent all day in East Village today looking for good location far a three hour shootout/stakeout. I had my eyes open for this location from day one and decided that Avenue A or B should be it. I wanted a crossing with no parked cars, and maybe a place to sit. Both where hard to find. Men skam den som ger sig. I settled for a place outside a bar, Mama's bar on Av B, 3st, with a chair and no parked cars. There I sat, and stood up for three hours, between 4pm and 7pm, and took one picture every 3rd minute. The aperture was fixed, the shutter speed was not. I read and drank some wine too. It was great! People came and was curious and when I explained, they thought it was exiting. The result was exiting too. This art piece must be seen it it's hole, in it's right context. One piece I will show here, the rest is East Village street(and sea) photography. Ramones is very much alive.