Att tiga är silver att snacka omkring fotografier är guld

Jag ska nu försöka att göra en rutin av detta. Jag är inte så rutinstyrd förutom när jag står och labbar bilder i mörkrum. Det kommer att gå bra. Det är ett sett att försöka förnya denna satans hemsida som jag inte kan släppa. Ingen tittar på hemsidor. Jag pröjsar för sidan och det drogs stålar från kontot automatiskt, så det fick avgöra, jag fortsätter. Kill your darlings, kill you darlings var ett mål och att minska ner på bilder och gallerier. Det går inte så bra. Då får det vara så, jag tänker inte slåss med mig själv, det är en fight jag aldrig kommer att vinna. 

Jag sitter vid fel dator. Alla bilder är på en hårddisk som jag inte orkar hämta nu. Vad hittar jag på denna maskin då, jo en bild med anknytning till min mor. Dessa missanpassade ungdomar var bekanta/kompisar med min mamma. Bilden är tagen ca 1957 gissningsvis på Mäster Samuelsgatan. Mormor var involverad i Frälsningsarmen. Jag tror att denna bild är kopplad till en festlig tillställning och Frälsningsarmen. Fam Andersson hade vid flera tillfällen blöta musikaliska sammankomster med Jan Sparring. Mormor på cittra, Jan Sparring på dragspel(det finns bildbevis). Det är en ungdomskultur som det inte har skrivits så mycket om. Jerker använde bilden på sista My Way albumet, Never loose that feeling.




Halleluja, Never loose that feeling! 

Halleluja, Never loose that feeling!


I will now try to make a routine of this. I'm not so routine except when I'm standing and labeling pictures in darkness. It will be fine. It's a try to renew this satan's website that I can not let go. No one looks at websites. I bet for the page and it was pulled out of the account automatically, so it had to be decided, I continued. Kill your darlings, kill you darlings was a goal and to cut down on pictures and galleries. It's not going well. Then it may be, I'm not going to fight with myself, it's a fight I'll never win.

I'm sitting at the wrong computer. All pictures are on a hard drive that I can not get now. What do I find on this machine then, a picture related to my mother. These missed young people were acquaintances / friends with my mom. The picture was taken about 1957 guessing on Mäster Samuelsgatan. Grandmother was involved in the Salvation Army. I think this image is linked to a festive event and the Salvation Army. Fam Andersson had several musical meetings with Jan Sparring on several occasions. Grandmother on cittra, Jan Sparring on accordion (there is proof of evidence). It is a youth culture that has not been written so much about. Jerker used the picture on the last My Way album, Never loose that feeling.

Google Translate is fun!!


Thirteen, Over and out

Do you know who John Lurie is? I do too, I love his acting in The Jim Jarmusch movies and I like some of the music he makes. What I didn't know was that he also painted. I was in a five floor Gallery in Chelsea and was about to give up. The most exiting thing I had seen for two hours of gallery peeking was like, gay photographs of butts and cocks, and I've seen pictures of that before. So last peek, then I go out in the rain again and <i just go! I read the painters name, he is a talented and funny man called John Lurie. I start to think for myself if it could be Thee John Lurie. I have to ask, and yes, of course it is. Lika I said, funny, nice motifs to look at and he got skills too. Jesus that made my day really, I told the gallery women so and she was happy for my sake, thank you. We have a film at home called Fishing with John, he go fishing with his friends, Tom Waits and so on. It is hilarious !     I go home tomorrow but here are some paintings from John Lurie.


Nu några utan text( jag borde ha fotat alla texter)

...och ett regnet New york ock en art-selfie. NBA där jag höll på att köpa en boll för 1100 spänn till Lukas. Det är han väl värd men hanns pappa har inte den ekonomin, mm

12 is the magic no, 13 is not

Google translation under the galleries, even if you speak swedish, that can be fun!

Ok jag ska väll skriva om gårdagens konsert, svårt, men jag gör ett kort resume. Jag är osäker på om jag går åt rätt håll när jag ska till tuben så jag frågar en donna med långt svallande hår med hård sminkning i ansiktet. Hon tvekar men pekar sedan åt ett håll, " just walk two blocks". Two blocks my ass, Jag kom helt åt helvete och börjar chansa åt ett håll...det kan man inte göra i stora städer som New York. Inte för att det kan vara farligt, mer att man får gå ihjäl sig! Stressad och svettig hittar jag till slut stationen före den som jag skulle till först.......Väl framme är det läggkoll, nemas problemas, "1964, are you kidding me!? så blev man lite gladare igen. Ställer mig längst fram till höger, för där kan jag sitta på en subwoofer och sippa på min vattniga öl. Jag sätter ner ölen på subwoofern(bashögtalare) och på en gång kommer ljudsnubben fram," Hey, no glass on the subwoofer, expensive electronic stuff inside...", och jag lovar, hade jag blundat hade jag trott att det vara Jack Black som sa åt mig. Stod sedan och smålog för mig själv, "expensive electronic stuff inside", jojo. PCPC hette förbandet, de var bra och hade en Thurston kopia på gitarr och spelade alldeles för högt. På Ritz 88 spelade Sort Sol så här högt, då pallade jag fyra låtar sen backade jag. Nu är jag snart 50 och ville inte lämna min plats, så jag är lite orolig, det ringer lite i öronen även idag...Stället är bara något större än Snövit och musikerna får valla igenom publiken fram till scen. Så efter PCPC vallat undan sina prylar vallar sig Thurstons band fram, väldigt kul tyckte jag. Sen har Debbie Googe problem med en box och alla är där och pillar. Sen sätter de igång. Jag är redan så färgad redan av allt, att sedan nästan ha mannen i knät gör inte saken lättare att vara objektiv, men spelningen hamnar bland topp fem. Nu blir det inte så mycket bilder från spelningen. Det blir lite, men mest annat. Det kommer mer senare. Jag har inte hunnit.

Thurston Moore Band & PCPC


Brooklyn offside, cars and a Manhattan skyline


Ok I'm going to write about yesterday's swell concert, difficult, but I do a brief recap. I am unsure if I go in the right direction when I go to the tube so I ask a donna with long flowing hair with harsh make-up of the face. She hesitates but then pointing in one direction, "just walk two blocks." Two blocks my ass, I came completely to hell and starts to take a chance in one direction ... it can not be done in large cities somNew York. Not that it can be dangerous, more that you get to go to death! Stressed and sweaty can I find the final stop before I would first ....... Once it lay track, Nemas problemas, "in 1964, are you kidding me !? so it became a bit happier again. Sets me at the front to the right, to where I can sit on a subwoofer and sip my watery beer., I put down the beer on the subwoofer (subwoofer) and at once the sound guy up, "Hey, no ice cream on the subwoofer, expensive electronic stuff inside ... "and I promise, I had turned a blind eye, I had imagined it to be Jack Black who told me. then stood and smiled to myself," expensive electronic stuff inside, "yo-yo. PCPC called dressing, they were good and had a Thurston copy on guitar and played way too high. on the Ritz 88 Sort Sol played so high, when I Pallade four songs then I backed. Now I'm almost 50 and I did not leave my place, so I'm a little worried, it rings a little in ears even today ... This place is just slightly larger than Snow White and the musicians get wax through the crowd up to the stage. So after PCPC herded away their gadgets dikes themselves Thurston band forward, a lot of fun, I thought. Then Debbie Googe problems with a box and all is there, and caterpillar. Then they put on. I'm already so colored by everything, then almost have the man in the knee makes it even easier to be objective. Now it's not so much pictures from the gig. It gets a bit but most other things, so it will more later. I have not had time.

Eleven Juniper rising

I am still feeling sick today so I will only show you some pictures of Juniper rising as I promised, I think. That's what important anyway. Later today, Thurston Moore band at St Vitus, I have to rest. Over and out


Moore then Ten people passed

Google translation beneath the gallery, have fun with that folks.

Jag är lite sjuk, ont i halsen, men ska snart ut i alla fall och ta en finkultursrunda, MOMA och lite fotogallerier. I går besökte jag Knitting factory igen och såg Juniper Rising, checka upp dessa, de var bra. Vi var typ 15 i publiken, men dessa små Brooklyn band de turnerar runt i staterna och får det att gå runt. Det är  skillnaden på att stå på Snövit och harva för 15 pers, men tänk att  sedan kunna dra till tex Jönköping och spela där för 50 nyfikna(eller 15) och inte gå back, för det tror jag inte dessa band gör. Äh jag babblar på och tappar tråden på svenska också. Jag visar bilder på Juniper rising i morgon tror jag. Nu idag blir det människor som jag fångade sittandes med ett glas portvin vid Delancey st/Essex st, jag hade en bra plats i höjd med de som passerade. Jag har valt ett galleri som visar bilderna automatiskt i en följd, det är många bilder men de hänger ihop, så ni måste ha tålamod och se alla. Det är lite som mitt förra projekt fast tvärtom, här är det bakgrunden som är luddig. Enjoy!


I'm a little sick, sore throat , but will soon be out anyway and take a finkultursrunda , MOMA and some photo galleries. Yesterday I visited the Knitting Factory again and saw Juniper Rising, check up them, they were good . We were like 15 people in the audience , but these tiny Brooklyn bands they tour around the States and get it to go around. It is the difference between standing on the Snow White and harrowing for 15 people , but remember to then be able to draw such Jönköping and play there for the curious 50 ( or 15) and do not go back , because I do not think these bands are doing. Oh I babble on and lose the thread in Swedish too. I show pictures of Juniper rising tomorrow I think. Now today is the people I caught sitting with a glass of port at Delancey St / Essex St , I had a good place at the height of those passed . I have selected a gallery showing the images automatically in sequence , it is a lot of pictures but they are related , so you need to be patient and see everyone. It's a bit like my last project in reverse , this is the background that is fuzzy . Enjoy!

The East Village, chapter Nine

I spent all day in East Village today looking for good location far a three hour shootout/stakeout. I had my eyes open for this location from day one and decided that Avenue A or B should be it. I wanted a crossing with no parked cars, and maybe a place to sit. Both where hard to find. Men skam den som ger sig. I settled for a place outside a bar, Mama's bar on Av B, 3st, with a chair and no parked cars. There I sat, and stood up for three hours, between 4pm and 7pm, and took one picture every 3rd minute. The aperture was fixed, the shutter speed was not. I read and drank some wine too. It was great! People came and  was curious and  when I explained, they thought it was exiting. The result was exiting too. This art piece must be seen it it's hole, in it's right context. One piece I will show here, the rest is East Village street(and sea) photography.                                  Ramones is very much alive.

Eeight showgirls - one dirty man

I have to get up earlier, this can't continue! But in that case I have to hit the sack earlier too, and thats hard. These showgirls practicing for everyone to see is fairly common on Manhattan. nothing special but fun to watch. Yesterday I spent indoors waiting for UPS, but I got some work finished. I promised the bands at the R-bar pictures and I also promised Wussy pic. So I got that of my back. I hope they like them. I have to run, check in tomorrow folks!


Magnificent Seven

Magnificent seven in the room and writing. There have been so many Clash compilations, this is one of many. At home I had of course spinned the original vinyl black cats. It's raining today, cats & dogs I think. I keep forgetting things. Yesterday I was suposed to do the tripod project, but I left the apartment without the tripod...Those things happens to me all the time. What I fear most  is to leave the place without keys and my mobile. Stuck with no chance to call my landlady or anybody. But this door of mine is pretty thin looking, so I could probably break it, like a policeman, like a cop. The pictures underneath is taken with an orange filter witch make them more contrasty. Right now, Somebody got murded, Yeah!                                                                                            

Magnificent seven

No: Six, is in color folks

Are you up for some color? I'm not. No, I dig color when other use it. Me, I'm just not comfortable with it. But this city is full of it, so I had to take a shot. I took a series of pictures on a subway cart performance that was real cool. but I'm saving them for later or another occasion...And yeah, my Thurston ticket ended up missing, not just my fault but mostly UPS. Lucky for me Hubstub had a fan guarantee so I got a new ticket! Today I'm back on monochrome and is setting up my leica on a tripod. It is gona be an interesting photo project. Every five minute for four hours I'm gone press the shutter and we will see the picture change, lights, shades and movements.                                                


I got Five on it

Why do I write in english I ask myself after so many cock ups? Well the answer to that is that I want as many people as possible to read this. So do you have many english spoken readers Ken? Hell no, I'm just faking it and taking it as it comes, not many swedish readers either. Besides when I sit here in NY writing this stuff, it seems like the right thing to do, and it's something to do, and on top of everything, it's fun too. All right, cities are full of streets with people, dogs(cats) and houses and people. Here is evidence, now when my WiFi is working again  Hallelujah!!

Four acts

Today i haven't dun much at all. I have edit yesterdays catch and I have cocked some food    (no I did not, I cooked the food, but I was alone so I have no alibi), and I have ruined myself on a ticket to see Thurston Moores new band here in Brooklyn. It was sold out, so I manage to ruined myself gooood. Well well, it will be water and bread for me, as we say in Sweden. . At least  I'm not going to gain weight as many do when they're coming over here. I walk and take pictures all day long instead. I am looking at this city through my viewfinder like it was the last thing I was going see, and it ain't. It's tiering and a lot of fun. Thinking of ain't and The Aints, Ed Kuepper from the marvelous band The Saints, released a couple of albums as The Aints. I still have one, and parts of it is really good. Does this lead anywhere? Well no not really, here is todays treat from yesterday from me to you!, Four wonderful acts playing at The R-bar in Bowery. None of the band sounded the same, that was very rewarding and cool to hear!                                                                                                    And Hilly Kristal soul was watching.

Party Lights


Izzy Zay & the inmates

Wise girl